June 17, 2024
Ongoing projects
Project duration: November 2023- September 2024
Main goal: To provide a replicative model for improving water and sanitation management in educational institutions from rural areas, in Moldova, through rainwater collection and storage.
Project partners: City Hall v. Bilicenii Vechi and Kindergarten "Albinuța" from Bilicenii Vechi
Main activities:
- Conducting technical evaluations of kindergarten facilities, scrutinizing construction quality and adherence to regulations for effective rainwater harvesting, storage and use.
- Construction of the systems, contracting a service provider to make all the necessary construction works and equipment intallation.
- Launch of the systems and technical assistance. Present the system and explain its specifics to all the stakeholders: kindergarten administration, parents, LPA, other local institutions, and local businesses.
- Raising awareness of the possibility of using the rainwater in public institutions by organising a kick-off meeting at the district level, involving representatives of LPAs from all the Villages, in total 40 people from 23 municipalities.
- Elaboration of the guide for easy setup of a rainwater use system, with the involvement of local and Czech experts. Conference organisation in Chisinau, with representatives from all the districts to show the technical model and the results achieved by using the system in the kindergarten from Bilicenii Vechi. All the participants will be handed the brochures and encouraged to use the same model.
Direct beneficiaries and indirect beneficiaries of the project:
- 110 children attending the kindergarten in Bilicenii Vechi
- Kindergarten administration
- Local Public Authorities (LPAs)
- Parents of the 110 children in Bilicenii Vechi
- LPAs from other communities
Total Bouget: 51000.00$
Donor: Challenge Fund: Czech Solutions for SDGs